Er. Amresh Mallick
Software Developer | Java | Python | Data Science & M.L | Web Development | Competitive Programming | Passionate Programmer | Indian Navy S.S.B Recommended!


A Small Introduction or Describe My self.

"My Self"

I am Electronics and Communication Engineer, Passionate Programmer Currently I am a Student with Average CGPA of 8.6 from Arya College of Engineering & IT(Jaipur).


My Hobbies are used to Play Indoor as well as Outdoor games Like Chess, GTA(PC Games), BasketBall, VollyBall, Painting, Cooking, Listen Musics(Major), Coding, Develop Projects.

"Background knowledge"

Major Programming Language uses is Java, Python, Familier with C/C++/JS, with Good knowledge of CLI(Ubuntu, Window), DBMS, OS, OOPS, CN, Data Structure & Algorithms.

{-Major Projects-}

I Developed Some Major Level Projects by Using my SKills.

Multi-Face Recognition Based Detect System.
It is Model that used for Detect Multiple Faces.
Diabetes-prediction Application.
It is Model that used for Predict Diabetes in Body.
AutoMobil Prediction Application.
It is Model that used for Predict AutoMobile Selling Prices.
It is a System Assistance That can be Control Operating Systems.
Built Personal WebSite with Deployed.
My Personal Website with Deployed on live server.
And Many More Visit on My GitHub page.
Many Differnt Types of Projects Please follow me.

{-My Skills-}

Here, I uses latest Technology!

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You can have talent, but unless you're in the right place at the right time, then it isn't going to happen for you. | +91-8512868537


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